Brandenburg State Studs Neustadt (Dosse)
The stud in Neustadt (Dosse) located in the State of Brandenburg in Germany can proudly look back on 230 years of tradition in horse breeding and training. The history of the stud has always been a lively one and is closely connected with the history of the State of Brandenburg.
Founded by Friedrich Wilhelm II. in 1788, the stud in Neustadt is one of very few state studs in Germany that features a Hauptgestüt (State Breeding Stud – home of the broodmares) in addition to the traditional Landgestüt (State Stallion Depot – home of the breeding stallions).
Stallions at stud ...

Friedrich Wilhelm II. founded the Neustadt studs in 1788 "for the best of the country". Today 48 stallions are available through the breeding association Brandenburg-Anhalt, wich are distributed across a regional network of 18 studs and cover stations.
... and testing
Since 1978 the stud has been a central test centre, which has grown into one of the most popular in Germany today. Each year almost 230 stallions and mares are put through thei paces each year by a fully qualified team of professional and independent riders.
Breeding of the highest standards

The Stud has an excellent herd of 40 broodmares, out of which many highly decorated breeding successes have emerged; for exemple "Poetin", the dressage world championess who also won the federal championships several times and "Quaterback" the federal champion.
We also sell a selection of horses of all abilities through our sales office.
Studs for education
Whether riding from the 7th year at school as a "subject of choice" or during the apprenticeship as a professional groom, Neustadt (Dosse) offers many opportunities for professional tuition around the horse.
Our riding an driving school, approved by the German Horse Federation, offers many courses and seminars. In addition, we offer riding enthusiasts individual training programs at our riding sport centre.
The Neustadt studs are also a destination for applied horse science. In partnerchip with the Veterinary University of Vienna, the Graf-Lehndorff-Institute for horse science was founded at the Neustadt studs in 2007.
... and to relax, enjoy and remember

About 30.000 visitors a year enjoy the "Sanssouci of the horses" not only at the stallion parades, but also at the national and international competitions, the breeding events held by the breeding association Brandenburg-Anhalt and the event highlights offerd at the Graf-von-Lindenau festival hall.
After the restoration of our listed buildings we can present our "Prussian treasure".